How can we help?
For immediate assistance or to find out more, please call our Sales or Technical departments on 03 9554 5200.
If you’d prefer to send us an email please complete the following online form.
For immediate assistance or to find out more, please call our Sales or Technical departments on 03 9554 5200.
If you’d prefer to send us an email please complete the following online form.
LJM Marketing Services
15 – 31 Americain Way
Dandenong South
Victoria 3175
Phone: +61 3 9554 5200
Fax: +61 3 9554 5201
Probiotec Multipack
22B Hanson Place
Eastern Creek
New South Wales 2766
Phone: +61 2 8886 2400
Fax: +61 8886 2401